Clearing the Clutter

When we clear the physical clutter from our lives, we literally make way for inspiration and ‘good, orderly direction’ to enter. – Julia Cameron

Clutter:  A collection of things lying about in an untidy mess.  Synonyms:  Chaos, confusion, disorder, derangement, rummage, litter, untidiness, melange.

People love stuff; at times, the more stuff we carry the better we feel about ourselves.  We become comforted by the collection of stuff, whether the stuff is good for us or not.  Then, one day we look up, overwhelmed by the mess we have made asking ourselves “How did I wind up here with all……..this………STUFF.”  We become stressed wondering how to get rid of it, get more stuff to cover up the stuff we have, or learn to live with it.  It isn’t until we clean house that we are able to think clearly again, move freely again, and just breathe.

Clutter can be physical, emotional, or spiritual.  Either way, too much of any “stuff” is never conducive to us moving a burden free life.  We hold onto things to cover up.  We don’t want to let go of past hurts, pains, disappointments bad habits, so we hold on.  Because of this, we add on more to avoid confronting whatever it may be, creating a mess greater and nastier than you’d see on hoarders.  We also accumulate clutter to validate who we are.  The more shoes, televisions, iPhones, cars, labels etc. that one has, the better the person right?  This may sound asinine, but how many times have you witnessed a person who behaves poorly and uses horrible judgment be excused because “he/she got money do’!”  The more one has means something; it provides a false sense of wealth.  That’s a whole ‘nother story for another time.

I myself have been dealing with a case of the clutters.  Taking on a new job that cluttered my time to seemingly make more, taking on more family responsibility, being the counselor for everyone around me, taking on the “stuff” of others.  I took it on because this is what I am supposed to do right?  I put myself in a self-inflicted kerfuffle, all because I was unwilling to let go.  I was holding on to fears; fears of disappointing others, fears of inadequacy, and fears of not being accepted just to name a few.  I was afraid to find a balance and live my truth, because of what I thought others would think or say.  Which, is why I have been neglecting to share my truths with the world through this site.  That clutter I’ve been holding has shown up even physically, as I’ve gained some pounds I’m not to happy about 🙁

Oh, but we eventually get tired.  I recognized that I have to be transparent, speak my truth, and live the truth God wants me to regardless of what others may think.  We all have something God put inside of us that we need to do before we exit this planet, we all have a purpose.  Until we live that purpose, we will be searching and filling our lives with clutter until we become aligned with what God wants us to do.  The problem with that is no material thing, false emotion or validation will fill the void we seek to fill.  No “thing” can erase what we run from confronting, or fill that need for purpose.  We can’t shop it away, smoke it away, drink away, sex it away, eat it away.  The only way we get through it is to get tired enough of running, and remove the clutter.  We have to face the issues, wash away the funk, and stop taking on everybody else’s mess when we have our own to clear ourselves.  I’ve neglected my purpose, because I just got caught up in everyone else’s.  Funny thing is, THEY don’t even know their own.   So, after I got tired, I began connecting back to The Most High and clearing the clutter.  Then something awesome happened.

I received inspiration from the most random source today.  I went to the movies with a friend and ran into a very well known person.  I won’t say who that person is, but the way the encounter went down let me know God had me where I needed to be when I was there.  That individual spoke with us, and spoke life into us as if he’d known us for some time.  He came off so normal.  He knew nothing about either one of us, but here he was telling us in so many words the world needed to hear what we had to say.  What I had to say.  Little me.

I am sure there are people more talented and experienced than I am, there are people who will doubt what God has put into me, and those who may not support me.  However, no one ever becomes successful or reaches purpose by listening to the “they says.”  Most of the time, “they” are speaking from a cluttered place of failed dreams, disappointments, and fear themselves.  I have to be willing to be obedient and pleasing to God, and not to man.  I have to do it with full faith, that He will fulfill his promises in my life; it is impossible to please God without faith.  He can’t move if I keep holding on to the clutter.  Like my sister said today, holding on is a sign that you are OK with the mess.  Why give you something greater, when you indicate you are okay with the mess that you keep holding onto?  When you are afraid to move and be obedient to God so you sit being stagnant, putting off what you KNOW you should be doing?  I don’t know about anyone else, but I am not okay with the clutter.  I’m not okay with false validation and filling myself with things that don’t nourish me, mind, body and soul.  The clutter gosta’ go!

From this day forward, I promise not to sit on my gifts idly.  I promise to share my testimonies, as God didn’t bring me through in vain.  I promise to hold value to what God says more than what man says.  I promise to believe.  I promise to live and speak my truth, being as transparent as possible.  I promise not to take on anyone else’s clutter, but give them the tools to remove it themselves.  We only get one life, and there are many graves filled with clutter, lost purpose, and dead dreams.  It is up to us whether we live out the purpose God has for us, or let it die with us.  God has the plan set out for us, we just have to move and believe.  I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I’m going to approach it trusting God, and myself, clutter free.

God Bless,

Kay Michelle

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1 comment
  • Wow, this is a spot on reminder of how important spiritual and physical cleansing is to the quality of our well-being. It is extremely easy to accumulate junk and not even know it. When you said that, I found it extremely relatable.

    Thank you for writing this and for making me take a deeper look at myself today. It’s important that do spiritual and physical inventory each day to see what junk we’re building up in our lives, which we should shed, and what desperately need to cling to.

    Much Luv and Respect,
    “The Stormy Poet”